This morning (Wednesday, April 10, 2013) SATUNAMA office in Duwet, Sendangadi looks different. Many friends are attending Round Table Discussion : Gross National Happiness (GNH) as part of SATUNAMA celebration of 15 years services. The purpose of the round table discussion is to discuss the happiness index to measure the life quality or social development in psychological, environment, and cultural aspect.
To all friends, Budi Susilo, SATUNAMA Chairperson, is welcoming and expressing many thanks for all the good friendship this far. Budi shares the beginning of SATUNAMA start discuss about GNH. It was in 2012 strategic planning which at that time the staffs are discussing about Indonesian situation which restless related the situation of corruption, natural damage, less of water supply, lack of food supply – and these examples are contributing to Indonesian developing process of the society.
The discussion is continued inspiring SATUNAMA on reflecting the sustainable development concept approach. The inspiration then implemented by form a small-team which exploring more on GNH. Concept of GNH appears from Bhutan King, who said that GNH is a commitment to the economic development which still refers to the uniqueness and cultural and spiritual values of the society in Bhutan. Bhutan which still initiated mobilization, are keep all the values in it development process. This is encourage SATUNAMA more to assess the happiness index as scientific concept to be economic development spirit, which not only to fulfill the economic purpose, but also non-economic purposes.
This year, in the 15 years anniversary :
– SATUNAMA wants to explore and giving the meaning related to happiness as Indonesian development paradigm,
– SATUNAMA expects to contributing new approach in society development through its services with the communities,
– SATUNAMA wish to be the assessment party who assess the happiness concept based on SATUNAMA experience in implementing its work with the communities which been served.
Pagi ini (Rabu, 10 April 2013) kantor SATUNAMA di Duwet, Sendangadi nampak berbeda. Banyak kawan hadir dalam rangka Round Table Discussion : Gross National Happiness (GNH) dalam rangka peringatan ulang tahun SATUNAMA ke-15. Kegiatan Round Table Discussion Gross National Happiness (GNH) bertujuan untuk mendiskusikan indeks kebahagiaan untuk mengukur kualitas hidup atau kemajuan sosial dalam aspek psikologis, lingkungan, dan budaya.
Kepada seluruh sahabat dan kawan, Budi Susilo, pimpinan SATUNAMA, menyampaikan ucapan selamat datang dan terima kasih atas seluruh perkawanan yang telah terjalin selama ini. Budi memulai dengan menceritakan asal-muasal diskusi SATUNAMA mengenai GNH. Awalnya perencanaan strategis 2012, yang dalam diskusi juga menyinggung situasi Indonesia Indonesia yang resah dengan maraknya korupsi, rusaknya alam lingkungan juga hutan, berkurangnya ketersediaan air bersih, rawan pangan, dan kegelisahan yang muncul terhadap perilaku beberapa pejabat yang semakin haus pada kekuasaan – dan semua itu menyumbang pada proses pembangunan masyarakat Indonesia.
Dalam diskusi perencanaan strategis tersebut, GNH mulai muncul dan diperkenalkan di antara staf. Hal ini menginspirasi konsep pendekatan pembangunan yang berkelanjutan. Inspirasi itu lalu diwujudkan dengan dibentuknya sebuah tim kecil yang mendalami Gross National Happiness (GNH). GNH itu sendiri muncul dari Raja Bhutan, yang merupakan bentuk komitmen pada pembangunan ekonomi yang tetap mengacu pada keunikan dan nilai-nilai budaya dan spiritual yang ada di sana. Bhutan yang tengah merintis mobilisasi, tetap menjaga nilai-nilai tersebut dalam pembangunannya. Hal ini makin menggugah keingintahuan SATUNAMA untuk mengkaji indeks kebahagiaan sebagai konsep ilmiah untuk menjadi semangat pembangunan ekonomi, yang tidak hanya meliputi pemenuhan tujuan ekonomi semata, tetapi juga tujuan-tujuan non-ekonomi.
Tahun ini, di ulang tahun yang ke-15 :
– SATUNAMA ingin menggali dan memberikan makna tentang kebahagiaan sebagai paradigm pembangunan bagi Indonesia.
– SATUNAMA juga berharap dapat memberikan warna pendekatan baru dalam pembangunan masyarakat lewat karya bersama komunitas-komunitas.
– SATUNAMA juga ingin menjadi pengkaji konsep kebahagiaan berdasarkan pengalaman dalam karya nyata dalam kerja-kerja bersama komunitas-komunitas yang dilayaninya.
Mantab mas Budi; sukses selalu
I couldn’t agree more that hapepniss is linked to productivity. My father always told me to figure out what I love to do and then find a way to make money doing it’. In essence, what he was telling me was that since you will most likely be in an office upwards of 40-60 hours a week every week of your life, you might as well enjoy what you’re doing. As much as I believe that this leads to increased productivity, I think who you work with and the culture where you work affect the outcome just as much. Of course it makes sense that if you enjoy what you do, who you work with, and the company you work for, you will rarely wish you didn’t have to go to work which is not the case with most Americans. The result of this is a job well done. When you like doing something or have a positive outlook about it, you’ll do a better job than if you dread doing it. A simple way to measure the culture or hapepniss factor of your organization is to go to the root ask your employees. People and organizations don’t always recognize what they’re doing wrong or could do better and the perfect way to get an answer to that is to ask those who are there, those who reap from it, and those who deal with it on a daily basis. This has to do with not only your employees but also your customers. It’s a continuous cycle of satisfaction. If you enjoy doing what you do and where you work, you will want to do a better job, you will ask your customers what you can do to be better and in turn, they will be happier ultimately leading to a more successful situation for everyone involved. As anyone at XPIENT who as walked past my desk knows, I love quotes. So I’ll end with one I think is fitting:“Success is not the key to hapepniss. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.”-Herman Cain Great blog, Christoper.