PASAT PONG MAJOK OPA (Organisasi Pengelola Air Minum) media gerakan perempuan Kampung Pasat, Desa Pong Majok, FLORES

PASAT PONG MAJOK OPA (Organisasi Pengelola Air Minum) The history of OPA in Pasat. Pasat community started a clean water project in 2005 with support from YAKINES in collaboration with SATUNAMA. The community held a community meeting at the traditional public hall (Rumah Gendang) initiated and supported by three important leaders of the area: Tua … Baca Selengkapnya

Pengawasan Anggaran di Papua

Budget Control Training in Biak [photo1] SATUNAMA, in cooperation with FOKER LSM and Yayasan Rumsram Biak, organized training for facilitators on Budget Control for NGO Activists held from 9-14 December 2008, at Hotel Intsia, Biak, Papua. There are three factors that encourage corruption: the pressure of financial and prestige concerns; opportunity; and legitimating for example … Baca Selengkapnya

Upacara Petik Laut “Sebuah Tradisi: Dari, Oleh dan Untuk Nelayan“

Ceremony Of Petik Laut “Tradition: From, by and for Fishermen” From the 10th–13th January 2009, as part of the cross-cutting issues of ‘Nurturing Democracy through Interfaith’ and ‘Intercultural Cooperation’ programs of SATUNAMA, 10 representatives of Beji, Gunung Kidul district accompanied by 2 SATUNAMA staff made a cultural visit to Banyuwangi, East Java. The event was … Baca Selengkapnya

Kesaksian Peserta Pelatihan Organizational Development Oleh: Sunaryo Broto (PT. PUPUK KALTIM)

Kesaksian Peserta Pelatihan Organizational Development Oleh: Sunaryo Broto (PT. PUPUK KALTIM) Sebagai pengelola pendidikan dan pelatihan di perusahaan, saya sering menandatangani surat keberangkatan karyawan untuk melaksanakan pelatihan di luar kota. Pelatihan keryawan tersebut diusulkan oleh unit kerjanya dan kami meninjau kebutuhan kompetensi unit kerjanya. Sampai bulan Oktober saya belum juga menemukan jenis dan waktu yang … Baca Selengkapnya

Pelatihan Pengembangan Organisasi (Organisational Development/OD) ke-6, 13-18 Oktober 2008

The-6th Organizational Development Training 13-18 October 2008 [photo1] The-6th Organizational Development Training was conducted at SATUNAMA in cooperation with Konrad Adenauer Stiftung on 13-18 October 2008. There were 31 participants (F:12; M:19) who came from Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Lampung, Bengkulu, DKI-Jakarta, Jawa Timur, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Kalimantan Timur, and Timor Leste. They were so active … Baca Selengkapnya