Kalender Pelatihan 2012 SATUNAMA

These can be downloaded calendar of training schedules that will be held at the training hall SATUNAMA during the year 2012. Training Calendar 2012 SATUNAMA 2012 Training Calendar SatunamaBerikut ini dapat di download kalender jadwal pelatihan yang akan diadakan di balai pelatihan SATUNAMA selama tahun 2012. Training Calendar 2012 SATUNAMA 2012 Training Calendar Satunama

Pelatihan Pengembangan & Pengelolaan SDM

Professionalism non-profit organization is not currently assessed only limited to financial transparency and accountability, but also the performance of the performance of non-profit organizations concerned are embodied in the performance of all the people in the organization. Demands of professionalism is that kind of thinking that human resource management a non profit organization and mechanism … Baca Selengkapnya