Mendapat Sebuah Pendidikan Global

AVI magazine summer 2014 – Tahun ini (red 2014), delapan mahasiswa dari University of Melbourne – Faculty of Arts, mendapat pengalaman langsung tentang beberapa tantangan pembangunan yang dihadapi oleh masyarakat pedesaan yang tinggal di Kabupaten Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Bekerja sama dengan Australian Volunteers International (AVI), Universitas menawarkan Community Volunteering for Change – Global students, sebuah kesempatan unik untuk bepergian ke luar … Baca Selengkapnya

Growth in Gunung Kelir

Growth in Gunung Kelir – The Opportunities & Challenges of Commercializing Gunung Kelir’s Herb Farming Second Report by. Huw Hutchison Introduction – Once the self-sufficiency of herb farming in Gunung Kelir has been assured, a number of exciting opportunities emerge for the project and it supporters. For the first time, they will be able to … Baca Selengkapnya

Reflections on Gunung Kelir

Reflections on Gunung Kelir – Second Report by. Huw Hutchison Experiences – Our experience of Gunung Kelir began in the long, winding drive to the mountainside community. The undulations of the road matched the turbulence of the trip so far, and reminded us of the many and varied experiences we had already shared as a … Baca Selengkapnya