Pelatihan Civic Education for Future Indonesia Leaders (CEFIL) Intermediate

A. Background
Democracy is a consciously established system generated by the knowledge, skill, and commitment of all citizens working together to achieve societal prosperity. Therefore, to build democracy in Indonesia aligning with the constitution is one way of showing dedication to its citizens. Signs of a transition to democracy include an efficient political bureaucracy, and a lessening of conflict among the elite. When these factors are managed effectively, then citizens will be the driving force of democracy in Indonesia.

To strengthen democracy, civic interests of citizens must combine with systematic efforts to build a social system of political and democratic values. There are three stages of the effort to build democracy, and the first is the development of democratic institutions. Second, a state must create social conditions and individuals who support the realization of democratic goals. Third, the social structure and political culture must reflect democratic ideals. One of the many actors supporting these development stages is an engaged civil society. This focus is reflected in the mission of many organizations, but in order to effectively channel this desire, strong civic leadership is required. Democratic leaders are capable of moving individuals and civil society to commit to the values of democracy and the rule of law, so fairness becomes paramount to the political system.

Within this context, we must emphasize the importance of education as one instrument for building democratic values through the establishment and development of human capacity. Indonesia Civic Education for Future Leaders (CEFIL) offers the chance for beginner, intermediate, and advanced leaders to engage in civic training. . CEFIL has a vision to build a civil society and encourage social transformation. This vision is the answer to the challenges of leadership in Indonesia. These goals are, forming leaders that have staying power, and will bargain to initiate social transformation, giving birth to society leaders committed to protecting the rights of minorities, producing civil society leadership who consider citizen rights, and allowing leaders to know and benefit from Indonesia’s history.

The strategic issues that will be addressed by future leaders of civil society include political, socio-economic, and cultural topics. All of these issues will be included in a discussion among experts, and within groups, with an eye toward developing empowered and civically educated leaders.

Specifically, CEFIL is intended for activists in civil society organizations, with the hope that the participants be able to provide a fertile environment for the emergence of leaders who are well educated in civic society, have good character, and are able to organize, implement, and manage change.

In CEFIL Intermediate training, participants with the facilitator will develop capacity in understanding dan improving skill related with material on future civil society leadership related to :
– political authority context with main topic on legislation and general election and party system
– social-economy context with main topic on human rights and critics of development process, and ecological justice
– social-culture context with main topic on conflict analysis and conflict resolution strategy, and awareness on using mass media for social empowerment and transformation

B. Purpose
The purpose of CEFIL training is to create civil society leaders who able to encourage social transformation, by using civil society leadership strengthening paradigm which relevant with the situation and need of change :
1. Raising the awarness of the participant to realizing the leadership in favor of humanity.
2. Raising knowledge which related with determining strategic step in leadership
3. Raising abilities and skill in develop organization movement alternative network

C. Training method
The training is being held with adults learning and participatory methods. The methods are includes interactive dialogue, discussion, work in group, games, roleplay, case study, etc. Each participant is expected to sharing their idea, thought, critics, opinion and reflection of their experience. Input, reflection, and discussion are integral part of all training process.

D. Facilitator and resource person
1. Facilitator Team : SATUNAMA team
2. Resource person :
Ichsan Malik (Titian Perdamaian, UI Lecturer)
Eva Sundari (Legislator DPR RI)
Siti Maimunah (Sekjend JATAM)
Revrisond Baswier (FE-UGM Lecturer, Activist)
Emmanuel Subangun (Yayasan Alocita, writer, lecturer)
Lexy Junior Rambadeta (Offstream)
Garasi Theatre

F. Participant criteria :
– 25-40 years old
– education, at least senior high school degree
– having experienced to lead an organization for at least 2 years (is not a must to be a direct leader or chairperson of an organization)
– have a recommendation from the organization
– if the participant candidate comes from non formal organization (e.g. community, society forum, religious forum, customary institution, farming group, etc) then the candidate should get two ekstra recommendations from other organization besides his or her own organization.
– the candidate are not involved in criminal violations of human rights
– the candidate are healthy physically and mentally
– the candidate fill in completely the registration form
– the candidate writes an essay of 250-500 words with a specific theme of civil society leadership analysis on facing problems in local base (based on an issue or sector which being a concern of the participant candidate)
– willing to follow all the process of the training
– women and difable people are encourage to register in this training

G. Administration
Participant are expected to contribute as the organization abiliy.
Health insurance and transportation to and from SATUNAMA is excluded (being the responsibility of the participant).

H. Facility provided :
1.Training location which comfort, secure, and support a learning atmosphere
2. Comfortable classroom and complete equipment
3. Lodging place with room for each 2-4 people
4. Meals 3x a day and snack 2x a day during the training
5. Training Kit
6. Sertificate
7. Recreation tools (eg. table tennis, music instrument, movie)

I. Time :
The training will be held on 9-14 October 2010
Class session start from 8.00 to 17.30, and night session start from 19.30 to 22.30 WIB
Registration deadline will be on September 4, 2010.
Selection result will be announced on September 27, 2010.

For further informatioin, please contact :

Education Unit
Jl. Sambisari No. 99, Duwet, Sendangadi, Mlati, Sleman, Yogyakarta 55285
Telp : 0274 – 867 745, 867 746, 867 747, ext.200; Fax : 0274 – 869 044. ext. 200,201
CP : Metta Yanti dan Sana Unlailli
email : to :

Demokrasi adalah seperangkat sistem yang dihasilkan secara sadar melalui pengetahuan, keterampilan dan komitmen setiap orang (warga negara) untuk mencapai kehidupan bersama yang sejahtera. Oleh karena itu, membangun demokrasi di Indonesia yang selaras dengan konstitusi adalah sebuah bentuk dedikasi warga negara.

Sejalan dengan pemikiran diatas, pasca reformasi, Indonesia tengah melakukan transformasi dan transisi menuju masyarakat demokratis. Tanda-tanda umum masa transisi demokrasi adalah dinamika politik warga negara yang cepat, kompetisi dan konflik di kalangan elite. Jika semua dikelola dengan baik maka dinamika politik warga negara akan menjadi penggerak bagi kuatnya demokrasi di Indonesia. Untuk memperkokoh demokrasi, dinamika politik warga negara perlu dibarengi dengan upaya-upaya yang sistematis untuk membangun sistem sosial – politik dan nilai-nilai yang demokratis. Ada tiga tahapan upaya membangun nilai demokrasi, pertama, pengembangan institusi yang demokratis. Kedua, menciptakan kondisi sosial dan individu-individu yang mendukung terwujudnya demokrasi. Ketiga, mewujudkan struktur sosial dan kultur politik yang demokratis.

Salah satu pelaku atau aktor pendukung tahapan pembangunan nilai demokrasi adalah masyarakat sipil (civil society). Hal ini tercermin berdasarkan visi – misi yang dimiliki organisasi masyarakat sipil (civil society organization). Agar visi yang ditegaskan oleh organisasi masyarakat sipil tercapai dan menjadi orientasi dalam kehidupan bernegara maka masyarakat sipil membutuhkan kepemimpinan. Kepemimpinan tersebut adalah kempemimpinan demokratis yang mampu menggerakkan individu dan masyarakat sipil untuk berkomitmen pada nilai-nilai dan penegakkan demokrasi sehingga berpengaruh pada sistem sosial dan politik yang lebih adil.

Dalam konteks ini, pendidikan dianggap sebagai salah satu instrument untuk membangun nilai-nilai demokrasi melalui pembinaan dan pengembangan kapasitas manusia melalui pembelajaran Civic Education for Future Indonesia Leaders (CEFIL), mulai tingkat basic, intermediate dan advance. CEFIL memiliki visi untuk membangun masyarakat sipil yang berorientasi dan mendorong transformasi sosial. Visi merupakan jawaban atas berbagai tantangan kepemimpinan di masa depan Indonesia, yaitu ; (1) pengembangkan karakter kepemimpinan yang memiliki daya tahan, daya juang dan daya tawar untuk menginisiasi transformasi sosial, (2) melahirkan pemimpin masyarakat sipil yang memiliki komitmen untuk melindungi hak-hak minoritas, (3) pengembangkan kepemimpinan masyarakat sipil yang berorientasi pada citizen rights, (4) pembangunan kesadaran pemimpin untuk mampu belajar pada kearifan sejarah bangsa.

Sedangkan isu strategis yang dimunculkan dalam pelatihan adalah masa depan pemimpin masyarakat sipil dalam kekuasaan politik, bidang sosial-ekonomi dan budaya. Semua isu ini dikemas dalam diskusi (ahli, kelompok dan pleno), analisis dan pengembangan agenda aksi sebagai gerakan alternatif untuk pemberdayaan masyarakat.

Secara khusus CEFIL ditujukan bagi aktivis organisasi masyarakat sipil, dengan harapan supaya para partisipan nantinya mampu memberikan wahana yang subur bagi munculnya pemimpin yang mempunyai orientasi pada masyarakat sipil, memiliki kualitas yang handal, serta memiliki kemampuan pengorganisasian yang memadai untuk melakukan dan mengelola perubahan.

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